School Sponsoring Body

hk caritas

The school was established by Caritas – Hong Kong founded in 1953 by the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong. The vision is to create truly human communities with a spirit of compassion, forgiveness, reconciliation and solidarity. It is essentially a movement of mutual understanding and concern, of caring and service. The motto of Caritas – Hong Kong “Love in the Service of Hope” (以愛服務.締造希望) encapsulates the core of its mission, which is expressed as follows:
  • To help the underprivileged and the vulnerable (扶助弱勢社群),
  • To enable people to actualize their potential (發展人的才能),
  • To promote mutual understanding and reconciliation (致力溝通和解), and
  • To establish a spirit of reciprocity to the community from which the people have benefited (建立回饋精神).